Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Theme Music

As you all know, this week's readings focus on poststructuralism, starring the incomparable Michel Foucault. Those of you familiar with Foucault know he discusses power in great detail. So in honor of Foucault, this week's theme is power. There are a couple of key words that we can associate with the notion of power, which are struggle and negotiation. The themes of struggle and negotiation are consistent in the various multimedia I will provide for you all this week. So I have decided to kickstart our "power week" with some theme music, as all of the featured artists wax poetic about power in different ways. Stay tuned for more media that builds on this theme of power and sometime around the official deadline I will provide my official post which will discuss postructuralism and our friend Foucualt in depth.

I have included links to the song lyrics for analysis and inspriation if you wish.

Some individuals feel rather powerful...
Kanye West- "Power"

(wanna do a semiotic analysis of this one?)


Some have other ideas............
Iggy Pop- "Raw Power"

The people need that power....

Absolute power corrupts absolutely....
Napalm Death-"Siege of Power"

In this case, power must be fought...

Two times....

Keep fighting!

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